Local SEO for Photographers: Get Found and Get Booked!

What is local SEO for photographers and why is it so important? If you’ve heard of local SEO but aren’t quite sure what it is, or if you’re ready to dive deeper and learn more, this blog post is for you. You may own a beautiful looking website that you regularly update with your most recent photos and you’re quite rightfully proud of it. But here’s the problem, no one is actually visiting your website. If that’s the case, I am here to help.

As a web designer for photographers who uses local SEO with my clients, I have seen lots of examples of amazing photographers who just aren’t getting any website traffic. Their sites and therefore their business aren’t matching their level of talent and just isnt performing.

So let’s take a look at how local SEO for photographers works, and how you can use it to get seen and booked online.

Hand holding a glowing "SEO" icon near a laptop, symbolising organic SEO efforts.

What is Local SEO for Photographers

So firstly, what is ‘local SEO’? Well, ‘local’ SEO is about making your photography (or any other) business show up when people Google search for your services nearby. You then optimise your website and online presence to specifically target that area. For example, if you’re a wedding photographer in Birmingham, you would strategically optimise your website to attract people searching for wedding photographers in the Birmingham area, to ensure your potential clients can easily find you. 

It’s about literally putting your business on the map. Don’t worry if you do not have a ‘bricks and mortar’ studio, local SEO works for photographers without a storefront too.

As well as this there are other factors at play, which I will go into later in this article, but these include and are not exclusive to: 

  • keeping your contact information up to date and consistent in online directories, social media and your website
  • Local community interactions
  • Google Business Profile
  • Keyword Research For Photographers
  • Location and relevant Content
  • Reviews and more

Why Local SEO Matters

The purpose of local SEO is to increase your local profile online and therefore increase the chances of Google jumping you up the search rankings. With this increased visibility comes more clicks, ie more people visiting your website and therefore more enquiries and bookings.

For most photographers, local SEO is a game-changer in connecting with their immediate community. This is specifically important for those who book services in the local vicinity. Food photographers at local restaurants, for example, or wedding photographers at local destinations. When you have this enhanced visibility it can also increase trust in your services.

It’s not just about your website either; it’s also about maintaining professional consistency across all your platforms. I’ve seen firsthand how this strong, strategic approach effectively drives traffic to your website.

Please bear in mind that local SEO is a long game. As with most SEO techniques, it’s not a one-and-done. This matters as you want to secure yourself as the go-to photographer for your area. This approach not only increases your web traffic but also leads to higher conversion rates (people booking or buying your services after visiting your website) and long-term client relationships, reinforcing that you are the go-to photographer in that area. Just be patient, if you are in your business for the long haul, then this will work.

Laptop showcasing a black-and-white photography gallery on a website.

Optimising Your Google My Business Profile

Enhancing your Google Business Profile (GBP) is important for your local SEO performance. Not sure what this is? Well, it’s those little free adverts that usually show up before the search listings. People can see your business image, location (if you have one), hours, reviews and updates.

This has changed names a few times but it is still relevant and a pivotal part of your local business marketing strategy. Most photographers I know have set this up, asked for reviews at most and then just forgotten about them. It’s an important feature my friends, you can use it to significantly improve your visibility and attract those local clients.

The way to do this is to firstly ensure all your business details are accurate and comprehensive. Use the acronym ‘NAP’ as a guide on all your platforms. NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone number. It’s the basic contact info that must be consistent across the board. When this is consistent across all platforms and directories, it helps search engines, like Google trust your business information and show it more in local search results. In short ‘NAP’ consistency helps Google, as well as your potential clients, find and trust your business more.

One of the most missed things I see when working with my SEO clients, is the lack of regular updates on their business profile. As a photographer, you should regularly upload your awesome pictures to demonstrate recent work. It also shows you are current and relevant, which is great for attracting potential clients and enhancing the overall look of your Google Business profile for sure.

Finally, please encourage your clients to leave a review. At least 5 reviews are great for boosting your profile. For that extra competitive edge make sure you respond to these reviews too, whether positive or even negative (there are some idiots out there!). This engagement is great as it helps with your repetition and shows there is a person behind the profile.

Choosing the Right Keywords for Photographers

I love keyword research! I can be a geek like that, I know, hard to believe, but it’s crucial for effective local SEO. You’ve probably heard a lot about ‘keywords’ by now, but let me quickly explain what they really are. Despite the name, keywords are often more like ‘key phrases’, they’re the words or phrases people type into Google when searching for something. For instance, a keyword could be ‘coffee shops near me’ or just ‘coffee,’ and while they’re both keywords, the intent behind them can be very different.

To get your website noticed, you need to optimise it for these keywords or search terms. This can get pretty technical, but a simple way to start is by keeping relevant keywords in mind when optimising your website or creating social content. Rather than randomly picking phrases like ‘best photographer’ or ‘greatest portrait photographer,’ it’s better to have a plan or a local strategy in place. Choosing the right keywords is essential for your local SEO success.

Start by making a list of words associated with your services and location, like ‘food photographer in Birmingham,’ along with variations of this phrase. Think about what people would be Googling to find a business like yours. Focusing on location-specific keywords helps ensure you’re targeting the right audience and reaching your ideal clients.

For a more professional approach, thorough keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner (which is free!) or advanced tools like Ahrefs and Semrush can be invaluable. Aim to rank for the most relevant keywords in your niche. Being specific with your keywords helps attract the right clients, maximising your visibility and boosting your leads and bookings.

Laptop displaying a custom website & SEO services page with package options.

Local Content Strategies

Writing a variety of content that targets your locality is another great tactic for connecting with local clients and driving people to your website. It demonstrates to Google and your community, that you are invested in your local area and have this inherent connection.

The way this is achieved is through publishing blog posts and articles that resonate with locals. Highlighting your local landmarks, events and collaborations. If you want to stand out from the crowd it’s important to make this in your own individual style too. Don’t necessarily do what others are doing, do some different, be you.

Focusing your efforts on your target community shows your commitment to its people. Through this you can demonstrate how authentic you are and drive engagement to elevate your presence in the search results.

Building Local Citations

Building a strong bank of local citations is a good move for photographers who are looking to boost their local SEO and attract more clients. But what exactly are local citations? Simply put, they’re mentions of your business on other websites. These typically include our old friend NAP again, Name, Address, and Phone number. These citations can appear in online directories, industry-specific websites, and local business listings, all of which help improve your visibility and credibility online.

As a local photographer, you shouldn’t just focus on the big, well-known directories either. Look for those niche platforms that cater specifically to photographers or your area of expertise, like Hitched for example. 

The secret to successful local citations is paying close attention to detail. Regularly check and update your listings to make sure your information is current. This helps you to stay visible and reinforce your professionalism in your chosen photography field.

Getting Reviews from Local Clients

I touched on the subject above but I want to delve into this a little bit deeper. Getting reviews from previous clients can take some work, believe me, I know myself! But they are very important to your local visibility and social proof.

Receiving repeated positive reviews can really enhance your local SEO and therefore make you climb those Google rankings. Google’s algorithms pay attention to both the number and quality of reviews when deciding where you show up in local searches. So, consistently gathering good feedback can really increase your visibility on search engine results pages.

Obviously, being a photographer you are used to dealing with people but here is a few tips for getting these reviews.

 Firstly, get the link from your Google business profile that sends clients straight to leave that all-important Google review. That way you make it quick and easy for them, try QR codes or anything that cuts down the barriers to leaving a review.

Secondly, offer your customers or clients several easy ways to leave reviews, like through social media platforms, or your website. Sometimes the more options you provide, the easier it can be for people to share their experiences.

Lastly, I focus on maintaining strong relationships. I work closely with my SEO and website clients, which is why I choose to work with only a select few. I always like to add that little special touch and send personalised follow-up emails to clients, asking for feedback positive or constructive. I’m always grateful for new clients, as we build a genuine relationship while working together. Toward the end, I kindly ask for a review, including the Google link. I find this works best. Often with gentle nudges down the line haha. 

Mobile Optimisation for Local Searches

If you haven’t heard of mobile optimisation, where have you been?! Mobile optimisation is vital for photographers who want to show up in local searches.

Google now prioritises mobile-optimised websites when ranking websites in local searches. What is also very important is ensuring your website and images load quickly on mobiles, which can often vary to laptop speed. This includes optimising all your photos, yes ALL, photographers. 

Ultimately, it’s a non-negotiable. Your website must be mobile-optimised to perform and show up for more website traffic.

Mobile phone showing a photography website design for a Midlands-based photographer.

Using Geotags in Your Portfolio

Let’s talk geotags, they are a pretty cool trick to help your photos get noticed locally. Basically, geotags are little pieces of location info you can attach to your images. When someone in your area searches for a photographer or specific location, your geotagged photos are more likely to pop up higher in the search results. By adding these tags it can signal to Google that you are active in the area and to choose you and get more eyes on your work and website.

Using Social Media for Local Engagement

Although social media doesn’t directly affect SEO it does help with your marketing efforts and driving positive results. Social media can be a real goldmine if you want to reach people in your local area. But don’t go into this blind and posting ad hoc, everything from your dinner to a wedding you photographed at.

Ensure that you have a strategy in mind. Know who your target audience is, which platform they use and what brand message you want to convey. Consistency is key here too. Ensure that your strategy contains your frequency for posting and a variety of media and topics. From reels to carousels, educational posts to BTS posts. Your schedule should include them all.

Don’t forget to engage in local groups, events and with people in your specific area. Collaborations are also a good shout too. Reach out to local businesses or influencers, that can exponentially extend your reach and build valuable connections.

The real strength of social media is in creating authentic connections. For photographers, building a strong local presence can really help you stand out, enabling you to grow a loyal following and boost your business.

Tablet displaying a photographer's portfolio website featuring vibrant concert and event photography in a clean, modern layout.

Analysing Your Local SEO Performance

There is a famous quote by Peter Druker “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it”.

So make sure you establish where you are at and where you are going. You can use free tools such as Google Analytics and Google Business Profile to get some insights into your data for local SEO. When used correctly they can actually show you where you need to make changes and where you can refine your strategy. Put a reminder in your phone to conduct regular audits where you can see your strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement within your online presence.

Also, make sure you have your performance measures in mind. You could make note of local search rankings, website traffic from local queries, and conversion rates. These can offer invaluable insights, guiding your photography business strategy.

Final Thoughts On Local SEO For Photographers

Thanks for sticking with me to the end of this article! If you’ve made it this far, you’re clearly invested, and I hope you now have a good overview of what needs to be done. I’ve found that local SEO can be incredibly rewarding and delivers great results when done right.

It’s not all about the performance and bookings either. See it as a way of embedding and connecting with your local community too. When you play a big part, you often find more referrals come your way naturally and you get to be more fulfilled in what you do too.

If you are a photographer and looking for someone to get your website performing well locally in the search engines then I would love to help. You can find more information about my services here or here if you want to contact me directly with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Rachel Jones

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August 15, 2024

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