What is the purpose of a website? Questioning an online cost

So you are fully on board with the socials. You get those, but then that question keeps popping up in your brain space ‘What is the purpose of a website?’ I have lots of followers, and I can post my pictures and talk to people, I mean, who hasn’t asked themselves themselves at some point, right? With all the design, development, and maintenance costs swirling around, it’s enough to make your head spin! And don’t even get me started on the classic, “What’s the point?” !

As a web designer and search marketing specialist, I get this quite a bit. But here’s the deal – having a website is like having a superhero sidekick for your business. it’s a must-have for anyone serious about making waves online. 

So, if you are still questioning the purpose of a website, then grab your cape and buckle up as we dive into why having a website is the ultimate power move for your business, and trust me, it’s worth every penny!

laptop with person thinking and questioning some thought in their head.

Establishing credibility and professionalism

Having a professional website is like wearing a power suit (or power band t-shirt!) for your business – it shows you’re serious about your brand. Customers trust businesses with an online presence more, seeing a slick site as legit and reliable.

It means you control your story, no need to worry about dodgy algorithms you don’t understand or have no say over. You can showcase what makes your biz special right on your site. Share happy customer stories and positive vibes to boost your street cred on your terms.

When reaching out for collaborations or partnerships, having an impressive website will leave a lasting impression on potential partners and show that you value the image of your company.

A website offers an effective and efficient way of achieving this goal by showcasing your brand’s strengths, instilling trust in customers, and elevating your business’s overall image.

huge letters saying the word trust and three being held by different people

Increased visibility and reach

More and more consumers are Googling products and services before making a purchase or visiting a place, it’s no longer enough to rely on word-of-mouth or traditional marketing methods. This is where investing in a professional website can have a huge impact on your business.

One of the main purposes of a website for your business is increased visibility. Unlike physical storefronts that are limited by location, a website allows you to reach potential customers all over the world. Or optimise to be local, and show up when people are searching nearby!

A website is unlike social media, in that you should not build a website and think it’s done, just because it looks pretty cool. This is the mistake people frequently make. With effective search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies, your website can appear at the top of search engine results when people are looking for products or services related to your industry. It’s evergreen, not an old post you made 3 weeks ago with a cool picture no one remembers. 

Not only does having a website increase your visibility in terms of attracting new customers, but it also allows you to connect with existing ones in new ways. Through features such as blog posts, newsletters, and customer testimonials on your site, you can engage with and build stronger relationships with clients.

chalk board drawing of a graph showing increased website traffic

Lead Generation

Even though websites have a cost, when optimised and used as websites should be used they have a positive return on your investment. The more you put into a website the more you get out.

Moreover, a professional website allows for effective targeting of specific demographics and audiences. With the use of analytics tools, you can track and analyse your website traffic to better understand your target market and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly.

Finding you online through a professionally made website is a game-changer. All the information the customer needs is there at their fingertips to buy your product or book your services. A strategic website will guide the visitor effectively to achieving your goal! Show me the money!

a person on a laptop typing and holding the words SEO in the other hand

Organic Traffic

As a search marketing specialist and huge SEO geek, this is a biggie for me! A lot of new businesses miss this. Having a website is an ongoing project and having it search engine optimised (SEO) is a must! When people are searching for a product or service, there is a chance your website will show up in the results. If you dont, well, it would be so much more of a battle for your business to compete with other similar businesses.

Writing and optimising content on your site, so people click on your link, is a fast way to build that client base naturally. So if you are questioning what is the purpose of a business website, when you have social media? This alone could be the answer!

mobile flat on desk with restaurant business website displayed

You Have Full Control, owning Every Aspect of Your Website

Unlike social media. Having a website means you own everything you write and upload on your site (providing it’s yours, to begin with of course!) We have all heard stories of blocked and deleted accounts. It’s not worth putting all your eggs in one basket. Social media is great for engagement, but owning a website gives you full control over your online presence, unlike social media’s algorithm-driven limitations.

In essence, while social media is a valuable tool for reaching audiences, owning a website ensures that you have full control over your online presence and the ability to effectively and strategically close a sale or keep customers coming back for more!

table with laptop and homescreen showing crunch-it-creative web designer website

Final Thoughts about what is the purpose of a website?

If you are worried about the costs of owning a website over the benefits then I get your concerns. But if you invest in an optimised website, it means your site is built to perform and increase your revenue!

The purpose is control of your business. It’s where you showcase your brand, products, and services without the limitations of social media algorithms. With full autonomy, it empowers you to build credibility, foster relationships, and achieve business goals online. 

Now you know the purpose of a website, all you need is website design and SEO all in one! If you are looking for that person to help, then I would love to chat!

Click below to get in touch. I make the whole process easy and fun! Let me build you a website that performs as well as looks good!

Click here to check out my affordable website services!

Rachel Jones

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March 12, 2024

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